Barb has delivered the final season ending blog, and it would appear that the swifts have retreated to warmer climes. Rather than disappear into hibernation, the MCSI are busy working on a few projects which we will share on the blog between now and May.

We are also always on the lookout for interesting stories to share, not just on Chimney Swifts, but other swift species. Both pieces were published by The Guardian newspaper from the UK and relate to the Common Swift, the species which would nest under the eaves of my parents house in southeast London. The first is a ‘captivating’ (thanks Barb) piece describing the pre-migrating swifts in a village in eastern England. See The second is from 2015 and refers to research showing the remarkable flight endeavours of Common Swifts which breed in the old imperial palaces in Beijing and winter in southern Africa. Truly remarkable birds! See