Feelin’ hot hot hot

Well, August is upon us and there seem to be more than a few new swifts in the air.

Recent monitoring reports are a mixed bag. Some formerly-active Winnipeg sites have seen little or no roost hour activity in 2012, yet reports from other locations seem to indicate successful breeding and “normal” numbers. Once I get more reports, I’ll post a proper update.

After a hot tip from a birder, Jacquie and I took a spin out to Clearwater and found two active sites– one at the former Clearwater School and the other at the adjacent Menorial Hall.

The summary of monitoring results is at

For your reading pleasure

Click the link to view a recent article from the Ottawa Citizen about the Onatrio chimney swift program.
Click the link to view the July 20 Bird Studies Canada newsletter with two articles about swift programs. Look in the “Regional” news area,

Things are looking up!
If you see any chimney swifts as you take a summer stroll or road trip. please send a note tot mbchimneyswift@gmail.com. You might be helping us to find a new roost or nest site!