Hello all,
Looking for an exciting Chimney Swift experience? MCSI has been made aware of (and confirmed) a new roost site at 424 River Avenue, just off Osborne St. Two of our volunteers were able to monitor yesterday night and counted a total of 125 swifts (you read that right 125!) that came in over a course of approximately 30 minutes.

We are looking for volunteers who would like to monitor this site for our remaining NRMP night (June 7th), and Wednesday night monitoring until June 23rd. We do not necessarily need the same volunteers to monitor all nights, so if you would like to monitor one night, or several, we can work that out. If you are interested, please email mbchimneyswift@gmail.com
Amanda Shave
Hey Amanda, would this be something that Judy Wilson can do? She told me she sent you a note.