(Text from Nature Manitoba News, November 2021)
Chimney Swift Champion awards are given out each year by our partner program, Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative. The awards recognize organizations, businesses or individuals who are working towards Chimney Swift conservation. This work can be done many different ways, from protecting Chimney Swift habitat to supporting education on swifts.
This year’s award recipients are:

The Watson Art Centre in Dauphin, Manitoba – The centre has been an excellent host for nesting Chimney Swifts for many years. Our volunteers in Dauphin are able to work with centre staff to monitor the swifts each spring and summer as they use the chimney.

Joanne Tuckwell – Joanne works for Parks Canada and has been instrumental in our work with the Chimney Swifts at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site. This year Joanne took up the role as a volunteer chimney sweep and gave the chimney a good scrub to help remove the creosote buildup on the chimney that can cause the nests to detach from the wall and fall.