We have filed final reports with our provincial and federal grant providers, If you would like to see the reports, follow the following links: Sustainable Development Innovations Fund and Eco-Action fund.
The steering committee has met recently and is planning for the continuation of the program in 2012. We are looking for new financial sponsors, and we are following the deliberations of the Species at Risk group so that future activities will complement the species recovery strategy.
In 2012 we would like to attract more volunteers and expand our inventory of known chimney swift site sites throughout the province. We will continue to collect and share the valuable monitoring reports from our many volunteers at nest and roost sites, and investigate means of making it easier to submit reports.
Once our plans are finalized, I’ll report back to you..
So, enjoy the snowy season and keep those neck muscles toned up for spring chimney-gazing!
Thanks for your support!
Frank Machovec
project coordinator