Resources and Links

Some publications from the MCSI
steering committee:

Is There A Fallen Bird In Your Fireplace/Chimney? (June 2019)

Guidelines for Creating Chimney Swift Nesting or Roosting Chimneys in Manitoba (revised April 2016)

From Nature London (Ontario): How To Be A Good Chimney Swift Landlord (April 2021)

Factsheet #1: ‘Chimney Swift: Manitoba’s Flying Cigar’. This describes the ecology, life-cycle, Manitoban range and conservation of the Chimney Swift. Version française

Factsheet #2: ‘Are Chimney Swifts Using My Chimney?’ A pertinent question! Descriptions and illustrations tell home and business owners how they might discover if their chimney is a home for Chimney Swifts. Version française

Factsheet #3: ‘Become a Chimney Swift Champion’. This gives people a taste of how they might ‘champion’ the conservation of Chimney Swifts as home or business owners and/or volunteers. Version française

Factsheet #4: ‘ Volunteer for the Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative’. This describes various ways that you can assist with our project.

Factsheet #5: ‘Chimney Swifts: Cities, Forests, and Beyond!’ Did you know that some Chimney Swifts nest and roost in trees?! This factsheet highlights the use of natural habitat such as trees by Chimney Swifts for nesting and roosting, including a description of our current knowledge gaps and how to help us improve our understanding of natural habitat use by Chimney Swifts. Version française

MCSI Resources for monitors

2024 Chimney Side Monitoring Protocol 

2024 Reporting form  (pdf) 

2024 Reporting form  (MS Word) 


Quick reference guide to monitoring

Chimney Assessment form (pdf ) —  (MS Word)

Dashboard Placard (pdf) to identify you as a volunteer

New location codes for sites found in 2019 (pdf) . Please use these in your monitoring reports.

Some Books about Chimney Swifts

Chimney Swifts: America’s Mysterious Birds above the Fireplace
152 pp., 41 color photos., 4 b&w photos., 28 line drawings., Map.
Pub Date: 2005

Chimney Swift Towers: New Habitat for America’s Mysterious Birds
96 pp., 36 b&w photos., 13 line drawings.  Pub Date: 2005

Primary Publications

The influence of weather and human disturbance on the reproductive success of Chimney Swifts in St. Adolphe, Manitoba, 2007-2013 and 2014-2022 by Barbara E. Stewart and Robert E.A. Stewart. Courtesy: Blue Jay, Winter, 2023

Impact of antropogenic disturbance on nesting Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica including best practices for conservation by Timothy Poole, Barbara Stewart, Robert Stewart. Courtesy: Canadian Field Naturalist June 2023

Possible Effects of Placement Timing on the Use of Replacement Habitat by Chimney Swifts in Manitoba by Timothy F. Poole. From Blue Jay for Winter 2022.

The First Use Of Purpose-Built Artificial Chimney Swift Habitat In Manitoba by Nicole Firlotte, Timothy Poole, et al.  From Blue Jay for Fall 2020.

Occupancy of Unconventional Nest and Roost Habitats by the Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica) in Manitoba by Timothy Poole and Gordon Ogilvie from Blue Jay for Spring 2020.

The conservation of chimneys used by Chimney Swifts in London, Ontario, 2004 to 2015 by Winifred Wake from Ontario Birds (August 2017). Our thanks to author Winifred Wake and Ontario Birds.

Loss of Chimneys Used by Chimney Swifts in London Ontario, 2004-2013 by
Winifred Wake from The Cardinal #243 (May, 2016). Our thanks to author Winifred Wake and The Cardinal.

Loss and preservation of  Chimney Swift Habitat in Manitoba, 2007-2016 by Robert E.A, Stewart, Timothy F. Poole, Christian Artuso, and Barbara E. Stewart  from Blue Jay (Summer 2017)

Nest Site Use, Breeding Success, And Reproductive Rates of Chimney Swifts In St. Adolphe ,MB 2010-2103 by Barbara E. Stewart and Robert E.A.Stewart from Blue Jay (December 2013)

Nest Site Use and Breeding Success of Chimney Swifts in St Adolphe by Barbara Stewart and Robert E.A. Stewart from Blue Jay (September 2010)

Other Articles

Note: Annual summaries of swift activity at the Saint Adolphe sites going back to 2007 may be found in the “Monitoring Results” page

End-of-Season Report for Nature London Chimney Swift Monitoring Program, 2023

You’ve heard of chimney swifts but what about “barn” swifts?. From Birds Canada ENews June 16, 2023

End-of-Season Report for Nature London Chimney Swift Monitoring Program, 2021

The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative: A Swift Look at 2012 and 2013 by Frank Machovec from Nature Manitoba News May/June 2013

Chimney-watching a passion in St. Adolphe by Grant Buhr (The Carillon newspaper, August 25, 2011)

Monitoring of a chimney swift (Chaetura pelagica) roost site in
Dauphin, Manitoba, utilizing a Reconyx game trail camera by Ken Wainwright (April 2011)

Historic Saint Adolphe: Chimney Swift Nesting Capital of Manitoba by Barb Stewart from Nature Manitoba News (Jan. / Feb. 2011)

Have Chimney Swifts Been Nesting in My Chimney? prepared by Barbara Stewart (August 2010)

The Plight of the Chimney Swift by Laurel McDonald from Nature Manitoba News July/August 2010

What In The World Is That Sound?  from the Driftwod Wildlife Association (no date)

Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative by Mike Quigley from the April 2007 MNS Bulletin

Chimney Swift Stewardship by Venika Kanya from the November 2006 MNS Bulletin

Some videos of swift activity (YouTube)

Chimney Swifts leaving Montreal roost site (May 2018)

Fledgling executing a missed approach to the St. Adolphe Church chimney (August 2015)

Chimney Swifts at the Assiniboine School in Winnipeg (September 2014)

Chimney Swifts at a roost in Kingston ON (May 2014) by B and R Stewart (3 minutes)

Down the chimney at Club Amical in Saint Adolphe MB (September 2007) by Ron Bazin and Mike Quigley. (47 seconds)

Some entries and exits of Chimney Swifts at Club Amical in Saint Adolphe, MB. The video was taken in 2007 and is courtesy of the Stewarts. (2 minutes 12 seconds)

YouTube videos about chimney swifts

The Chimney Swift coming to a chimney near you (Canada)
Chimney Swift – Audubon Guide to North American Birds Audubon (USA)
Chimney Swift Recovery page at Nature North
Chimney Swift Species Profile at Species at Risk Registry
Chimney Swifts – All About Birds at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Chimney Swift at Wikipedia
Ontario Swiftwatch (Chimney Swifts Conservation Association)
Nature London – Chimney Swift Resources
Robie Tufts Nature Centre (Nova Scotia)
Saskatchewan Swift Initiative