Upcoming Presentation in Dauphin – Feb 3 @ 7 pm
Happy New Year!
The Manitoba Chimney Swift Initiative will be hosting a presentation at the Dauphin Public Library on Monday February 3 @ 7:00pm. We’d love to see you there! Please spread the word to anyone else you know who might be interested.

This presentation is free, and all ages are welcome. No registration required, though RSVPs are always appreciated. If you are interested in attending, we’d love to hear from you via email at mbchimneyswift@gmail.com.
Dauphin is an important spot for Chimney Swifts. Thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers in Dauphin, we know that Chimney Swifts regularly return to several chimneys for roosting and nesting every year. What we know much less about, is if Chimney Swifts are using natural habitat in the area.
Before chimneys existed, Chimney Swifts nested and roosted in hollow trees and caves. As human settlement expanded, Chimney Swifts shifted to nesting primarily in chimneys. They do still use hollow trees, but we know very little about where and how often this happens. Based on some past observations of Chimney Swifts in forested areas near Dauphin, we suspect they may be nesting/roosting in trees nearby. As suitable chimney habitat continues to disappear, learning more about where and how Chimney Swifts use natural habitats is an important step in the conservation of this species. We released a new factsheet on this very topic this past summer, which you can find here: https://www.mbchimneyswift.com/just-the-facts-new-factsheets/
During this presentation this talk in Dauphin, we will dive into the world of Chimney Swifts, including what we know and don’t know about Chimney Swifts in forests. We hope that by raising awareness and getting more people to look out for Chimney Swifts in forested areas, we might be able to find out if and where they are nesting in trees in Manitoba!
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can send an email to mbchimneyswift@gmail.com.
Please pass along this presentation invite to your networks. If you would like a copy of the poster, send me an email and I can send you a PDF or picture version.